Sunday, September 26, 2010

Awesome Day!

The Lord blessed us with an awesome day today! Before we arrived I had asked Lorna if we could meet Bishop Obare on this visit. We hadn't been able on previous trips. Bishop Walter Obare is the Archbishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Kenya (ELCK). He is just like our Synodical President. Since we have been doing so much work here, I thought it would be a good idea to meet. However, Lorna surprised us by arranging for us to worship at his home congregation near Kisii. We drove for about an hour and then departed the main road. Lorna, who was sitting up front with the driver turned to us and said, "That is the end of the good road." As we turned onto the red muddy road we realized this was going to get interesting. It was reminiscent of our trip to the Masai Mara (Remember that Pastor Luke?) ! As we journeyed up this very muddy road, we all prayed that we wouldn't get stuck. We drove all the way to the top of mountain, but when we arrived at the gate leading up another hill to the church, we had to get out and walk. Being many miles and many dirt roads away from a hospital, everyone was concerned for my footing. Dave was kind enough to lend an elbow to an old lady in sandals! Yes, sandals because we were in skirts and going to church. Bisphop Obare greeted us at the top and welcomed us to his "real" home where he was born and grew up on the top of a mountain. He sat and talked to us so long church started a half an hour late!

When we went into the church, Dave and Rockie were surprised when they were directed to sit on the left with all the men. The women and children all sat on the right. Sounds like a former Lutheran tradition! The worship was wonderful and we sang "Rock of Ages" in Luo, Dcs. Lorna's language.We shared the Lord's Supper in the common with our brothers and sisters in Christ, and as one American pastor once said after visiting Kenya, "There's a lot of humanity in that cup." What a blessing to worship in oneness so far from home!
After the service we shared a greeting outside the church and the Bishop took Dave and I around and showed us the compound, then we all returned to his home and his wife Eunice served us lunch. Before we could leave Bishop told us about an African tradition that guests are not allowed to leave until the hostess allows it. With the rain coming, Lorna had asked if could be excused, so we made our way back to the van and down the mountain. This was indeed a very special day for the team and especially for me as a deaconess.
Thanks for all your prayers. God is listening. Love to all at home. Dcs. Linda


Anonymous said...

Who's "the old Lady"?? Anyway, I had confidence in you alll along.

I have known you long enough to tell by your writing that this was indeed a special day.

God's continued abundant blessings to all as you begin your medical mission tomorrow.

Post more pictures as you can.

Mauro said...

Who's "the old Lady"?? Anyway, I had confidence in you alll along.

I have known you long enough to tell by your writing that this was indeed a special day.

God's continued abundant blessings to all as you begin your medical mission tomorrow.

Post more pictures as you can.

Elizabeth Nelson said...

What an honor to be guests at the Obare's home in the rural. Good to hear you are still standing;) Singing well know hymns in a foreign tongue unites us as brothers and sisters in Christ, doesn't it? Stay strong in the Lord and the path he has set your feet on. The needs are great but our Father is greater! You will be Blessed & be a Blessing as you serve! Praying for God to reveal His purposes to the team as you journey. Jean Geil published a prayer in today's Rhythm on your behalf. The St. John prayer warriors are with you! Hugs to all!

Unknown said...

So good to read your updates. You all are in our prayers. I hope you can rest physically and mentally as often as you can. This is strenuous I can imagine. Love to you and prayers for you Jill