Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Africa Mission Team Leaves in One Week!

Please remember to keep our Africa Mission Team in your prayers from Sept 22-Oct 9th! We will be leaving next Wednesday in the afternoon. For most of the team this will be a repeat visit and my third visit to Kenya. We are looking forward to working with Pastor Dennis and Deaconess Lorna Meeker as we assist with two medical camps and visit the schools and slums where St. John L.C. sponsors 51 children! If you are at church this Sunday and would like your picture taken, we will make every effort to see that your child gets your picture. We'll bring home pictures for you also. We also hope to help unload the container that we shipped over the end of June!

Please pray for our health and safety, and that the Lord God of the Harvest will be enable us to share the love of Christ with everyone we meet. May He do awesome things through our hands of mercy. Remember to check this blog frequently and LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS! They mean so much to us when we are so far from home. We will be spending more time in the rural areas this time, so blogging will not always be easy, but hang in there! We will write as often as we can.

Many, many thanks to all who helped to make this possible with your donations and your prayers! We truly do appreciate your support. Blessings! Deaconess Linda


Mauro said...

May God bless each of you as you travel once again. I am sometimes concerned that we have become a bit TOO comfortable with this event, and I wish to remind you that even though I know that GOD is watching over you, please remember that you are traveling a great distance, and working in a third world country with all types of dangers and concerns. Keep your guard up, and do the humble good work that keeps bringing you all back there.

Anonymous said...

Well said Mauro. today is the big day. Prayers for a successful and UNEVENTFUL trip, to all, and to those of us left behind. We are on your team in spirit. ~anita