Friday, September 24, 2010

We have arrived!

Thanks be to God, we have arrived safely! It 's amazing to be here once again. It's very much like being home in a way. We've come back to the familiar guesthouse, familiar friends, and familiar surroundings. When we arrived Lorna called us from Kisumu and said, "Welcome home!" It makes doing ministry here easier to jump right into.

Today, we napped and shopped for provisions. Tomorrow we leave for Kisumu to begin our work with the two different medical camps. It is a 7 hour drive and very bumpy! We can't wait!

Thank you for your prayers! They helped us get on the plane in Detroit after they almost didn't let us fly! (A credit card issue) They also helped us get through customs without any difficulty here in Kenya.

Blessings to you all and hello from here. We'll blog from Kisumu when we can. We are all healthy and happy and look forward to serving the people of Kenya.


Elizabeth Nelson said...

:) Can't wait to hear more. Love to you all!

Neal and Paula Hoegemeyer said...

We're glad your trip went well and are praying for the Word of God to be demonstrated through your work in Kenya. Be safe in the Lord! Hugs:-)

Melissa Hammett said...

I am SOOOOOOOOOO thankful your flight was GREAT!!!!!!!!! GOD BLESS YOU ALLLLL!! Deaconess can you PLEASE hug KAREN as hard as you can and please tell her its from ME!!!!!!!!!! AFRICA TEAM!!!!!!! I am sooooo proud of all your servent hearts!!!!!! I AM PRAYING FOR YOU ALL!!!!!!!! BE CAREFUL!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!