Wednesday, September 8, 2010

God's Blessings to Our New Synod President!

This Saturday in St. Louis our synod will install a new president and other officers. Here is a prayer for President Matthew Harrison and his fellow officers from our Lutheran Book of Prayer (94)

For the Leaders of our Synod

O Lord, God and Father, send the bright beams of your grace and mercy on the leaders of our synod, as they serve the people of Your church. Equip them with every good and perfect gift that comes down from above. Give them wisdom and insight, that they may discern what is best as they provide national leadership of our church. Give them courage and strength as they deal with the pressing and difficult issues of church administration and supervision. Most of all, Keep them faithful to their promise to carry out their office according to Your Holy Word and in accord with the Lutheran Confessions. Do not let the stresses and pressures and difficulties of their office discourage them or lead them into error. Keep far from them the temptations of the evil one.

Give them the heart of the Good Shepherd, that they may serve You and Your people with humility, so that in all they do, they may decrease, so that the kingdom of Christ may increase. Let them stand without wavering on Your clear and gracious Word. By the infallible truth and power of Christ and Him crucified, let them be comforted in all the difficulties that their office brings. By the power of Your Spirit, give them peace and joy in their service to You, and make them a blessings to our church, as together we give You all praise, honor and glory, O Father, together with the Son and the Holy Spirit, one GOd, forever and forever, AMEN!

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