Friday, October 2, 2009

Cargo Container, Classrooms and a Cast?

Thursday we traveled back to Nairobi from Kisumu. A 6–7 hour trip on a good day. One of the areas we traveled through was Kericho. It is acres and acres of tea fields and workers picking the tea. We had trouble with the van twice but persevered through and we finally made it home safely.

Friday was a workday at Springs of Life Church. Rocky was back in his element working on tiling the classroom floors. The materials are not quite what he is used to using but he improvised and the floor is looking great and will soon have 54 three year olds using it.

Elizabeth and Shani worked with the teachers in cleaning the classrooms and preparing them for the “new” desks that were shipped in the container to replace the wooden bench type of desk for the children. The “new” desks are probably 40 years old. One of the teachers could not believe they had individual desks. She said this is like the high school use. Elizabeth also trained them in organizing the materials and schedule. Each classroom was also getting a teacher desk and file cabinet. They were beyond thrilled to have even the basics.

I worked with Pastor Dennis and his trusted youth to empty the cargo container that had been shipped from a congregation in Canada. It has been a real concern to get it emptied quickly and as soon as possible. There were groups in the area already planning how to break into the container. Just an example of the volatility because of the shear need of this place.

The contents included the student desks, teacher desks, filing cabinets, 50 new backpacks filled with school supplies, bikes, hospital beds, numerous medical supplies to furnish the clinic, 1,000 Bibles, school books, Bible study books, and clothes, clothes and more clothes. I truly enjoyed working with these young men and witnessing God’s Love from others through these items. It was very encouraging to communicate with them on a more intimate level.

Karen, Linda, Deaconess Lorna and a local man from the congregation went into the slums to do home visits. After a few visits and traveling the unstable terrain they call a street, Linda slipped and fell and broke her leg in 2 places. The local people were very compassionate to her while waiting for help to arrive. She was taken to Nairobi Hospital for treatment and it was determined she needed surgery. They put it in a cast for travel. Linda and I will return today so she can have the surgery done at home. Please pray for safe travel for us and for the team as they carry on without us.

I am sad to leave this place early as I was just beginning to gain the full understanding of our purpose for these people. By God’s Will, I will come back.

Praise God from whom all Blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below, Praise Him above ye heavenly Host, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.


Sandi said...

What a turn of events. We have been so concerned and the prayers are going out fast and furious. Even in this we can see God working. Our God is an awesome God.

May today there be peace within.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be confident knowing you are a child of God.
Let His presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one.

Press on and stay safe.

Rockie, I love you and miss you. Take care of yourself and those precious girls.

Claudia said...

Sue - So nice of you to go home early to help Linda. You are a friend in need and in deed !

Anonymous said...

Loved seeing the pictures. I will share the link with those who have been praying for you.
I am sorry that you had the accident and have to come home early, but I know as you do, there is some reason for it.
love to all and safe journeys
Dannie and Jill