Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lake Victoria and Children

Wednesday found us traveling to Lake Victoria. Pastor Dennis and Deaconess Lorna have land there that was donated to build an orphanage and school. I am very impressed by the heart, compassion and vision of these two and their family. They see the tremendous need and do whatever it takes to help.

The property sits atop a hill at the edge of the lake. This area is one of the larger fishing ports for Kisumu and is not very large or modern at all. The boats are very primitive wooden shells about 18 feet long and 3 feet wide with a homemade sail strung on a log mast. They reminded us of how the disciples may have fished in Galilee. Kenyans are very resourceful people and, we have found, are willing to work hard for whatever small amount of funds they receive.

We then stopped for a couple of home visits in the community where Stefan, our driver, lives with his wife and 3 children. His father is the Lutheran Pastor there. Karen and Deaconess Linda attended to the sick. They were both infected with TB and, of course, both HIV positive. Not uncommon at all.

On to Stefan’s home. His family lives in Kisumu and he works mostly in Nairobi, 7 hours away. We also visited his father’s home, which was a little more improved and lovely in their own way. They served us warm Cokes and cookies and we listened to Pastor tell us about the struggles with his congregations. His community consists of 8 congregations and he takes turns being there and, therefore, they can only receive communion every 2 months. That is, if they can afford the wine.

Back to Kisumu City and the “new” house that Pastor Dennis and Lorna rented in January where they now house 22 children. We visited and played with all of them, Elizabeth led them in song and took videos of them singing. We were served a traditional dinner of chipati "flat corn bread", machusi beef stew and some type of donut. The children also had a very large portion and were very proud of their stomachs being full and round when they had finished. We brought clothes and shoes for them and they were thrilled to receive them. The St. John School t-shirts were a big hit! We took more pictures of children for sponsorship and the children sang us a song about how Jesus changed their life. Even in their meager existence they can see the many Blessings they receive. What a true joy and inspiration to be with them.


Karl said...

What vicarious fun and great joy it is to encourage your trip by prayer and follow your missional adventures by blog. As you recall your journey, the sights, sounds and smells return and I am blessed to know you are carrying on being a blessing. Embrace, love, and drink-in each experience and allow the Lord of all to illustrate how love for "the least of these" blesses the giver more than the receiver. Godspeed...

Unknown said...

i am a man of few words so keep doing what you are doing and have fun doing it Kyle.K

Mackenzie said...

I wish I would help for nothing just like that! The kid's faces probably brightened up your day- it sure would have brightened up mine!!! I'm glad that the kids loved the St. John T-shirts!!!! That was a great idea!!!

May God live in their hearts forever!!!

Michelle A. said...

I think it is realy nice how you are helping kids with diseases.